29.4. In analyzing the tender, the committee takes the following factors into account:(1) the gap between the tendered price and the public body’s estimate of the expenditure, which is confirmed by an adequate and rigorous audit;
(2) the gap between the tendered price and the price tendered by the other service providers that have submitted a compliant tender;
(3) the gap between the tendered price and the price paid by the public body, or by another public body, under a similar contract, taking into account the economic context; and
(4) the representations made by the service provider concerning the existence of particular facts that have an influence on the tendered price, such as(a) the conditions for the carrying out of the services covered by the call for tenders;
(b) the exceptionally favorable circumstances helping the service provider in the performance of the contract;
(c) the innovative character of the tender;
(d) the working conditions of the service provider’s employees or, if applicable, subcontractors; and
(e) the government financial assistance received by the service provider.